General business conditions training videos
General business conditions
These general conditions apply to all films offered by AVSEC Training Institute or 2assistU AG.
The original German text of these General Terms and Conditions may have been translated into other languages. The translated versions are for illustrative purposes only and therefore have no legal value. In the event of disputes, discrepancies or discrepancies between the German version and the translations, the German version shall always apply. The German text is available on our website (by selecting the German language) or on written request.
The videos available for download may only be used for internal aviation safety training (AVSEC) in Switzerland.
Videos may only be presented to persons who have passed a background check in accordance with Swiss NASP regulations.
Use of videos
The videos provided by AVSEC Training Institute / 2assistU GmbH are copyright-protected and may only be used for non-commercial purposes such as in-house trainings. Any other USE, presentation, distribution or reproduction of a video or parts thereof (including the soundtrack) is prohibited.
Fictitious actions
The stories as well as all names (including company names) and characters are fictitious. Any similarities with actual events or living or deceased persons, places, buildings and products would be purely accidental.
Changes to the offer or prices
Changes to the offer and/or prices as well as changes to the general terms and conditions are reserved.
Place of jurisdiction
Swiss law applies to all legal relationships with 2assistU AG. The place of jurisdiction is the registered office of 2assistU AG in Brugg AG.
Brugg, 01 April 2018
Valid from: 01 April 2018.