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Basic training for trainers

*Training in the classroom
**Lesson as a trainer in the classroom


Participants specifically develop their resources for learning and teaching with adults and become qualified to deliver courses in education and training.


This training is aimed at staff and managers who run learning events with adults.

  • Fundamentals of adult-specific learning and teaching
  • Lesson planning
  • Design learning materials and use media
  • Practical implementation of a learning event
  • Getting to know evaluation methods and learning target checks
  • Communication and group dynamics
  • Reflecting on the personal learning process
  • Practice-oriented training in the field of adult education
  • Concrete tools and aids for effective planning, implementation and evaluation of learning events for adults
  • Teaching of the contents by experienced experts from the field
Digital training documents

The training documents are provided in electronic form (download via your customer account in the SEDUCO course administration tool). You may download the documents approx. 3 weeks before the course. If you would like the documents in paper form, please send us an e-mail to [email protected] up to 5 days before the course.

General terms and conditions of the training offers

The general terms and conditions of the training offers apply to every training offer of 2assistU AG.


This course is held in German only!

Course days and registration


Click on the respective language to display the PDF.